Audio Systems: Follow Up, hookup diagrams, 10k ohm

QUESTION: What i mean is I think you are right in that I should upgrade to a proper setup not cheap all-in-one systems and I want to know about doing that. If I need a CD player and peakers why do I need an amplifier? If you could explain the logic of amplifiers simply I would be most grateful.

P.S. sorry for not clarifying.

ANSWER: Stand alone cd players do not have amplification for speakers. The output is only about 1v at 10k ohm for driving an amplifier or possibly headphones.

However, if you are thinking of a boom box or shelf system they often come complete with amplifier and speakers all in one unit.

Thank you.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Okay, I have just bought the necessary parts of a CD player setup and am wondering how you put together something like this. Not mechanically but physically. I am young and have never had something like this before and Would like to know if you just pile them up or if there are any special techniques. Also in what order?

Thank you.

Make and model numbers are necessary in order for me to know what connections you will need. They are all different, as you know.

Do you google?  You can search for various hookup diagrams - all depends on what your equipment is and what you want to do with it.  I like an for basic hookup connections and diagrams.  But, if you are merely hooking up a cd player to an receiver all you need is run the cables from the audio outputs (left and right) to an input (left and right) on the receiver.  Couldn't be more simple.