QuestionQUESTION: Hello Cleggsan -
I plan to get a new condo this year and am thinking of getting a high-end audio system (my first). Could you share your off-the-cuff opinion on McIntosh CD players, tuners, integrated amps? I will confess that I'm attracted to the 'McIntosh aesthetic.' I know this is a rather open-ended question, so I'll understand if you decline to take it.
Thanks - Mark
ANSWER: I don't do equipment recommendations because it is so very subjective. What appeals to one person is not to others. The subjective factors include such things as color, weight, cost, reliability, shiny surfaces, etc. Performance and sound quality are also, even though in some ways very objective are also subjective in many ways.
I am a quasi-golden ear; that is I can hear great differences between amps, speakers, etc. but not to the extent a those who write and review for the esoteric publications - such as J. Golden Hoyt who recently died of old age or Bert Whyte (who was my personal friend) who reviewed for Audio Magazine. So, I have good appreciation of the "better" equipment but not so much for the super expensive brands. McIntosh fits into my idea of good stuff that is not super expensive. I like it. I have owned several of the older Mac tube amplifiers and was proud to have them around. The newer models are strange to me simply because I have not owned them or experimented with them in any direct way. But, I have no reason to denegrate them even tho the company has changed hands and is now owned by DM Holdings a basically Japanese company that I was was an executive with (during the 1990s).
So, my opinion is: Go Ahead and enjoy. Good Luck.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I have no follow-up - just wanted to thank you for your kind answer!
AnswerThanks for the feedback. Let me know your final decision regarding McIntosh. I will keep an eye on them and be more intelligent about their current lineup of products. I will be a the WCES in Las Vegas this week and will check in on them. If I find something interesting will get back to you..............