Audio Systems: compact stereo in my car, pioneer system, compact stereo

Hi, my car compact stereo system makes a very scratchy noise when I turn it on,  once in awhile for a second of two clears out bust starts playing scratchy again.  It is a laser pioneer system.  I don't know if system needs cleaning or has some kind of shortage.  If you think that it needs cleaning, what and where do i need to buy cleaning cartridge or solution in order to clean the entire laser reading system.  Thank you for your time and help and answering my question.   Oliver.

Can't really help you much without more information.  Make and model of car and system.  I don't compute with the term "compact stereo system in my car"  because compact stereo is a term used in home systems.  So, you will need to clarify.

I don't know of any pioneer laser system for use in the car; are you playing video/dvds or audio cds?

If you can give me more information I will help, but for now you have me mystified as to what the problem is.

But I must have make and model to give you and useful information.