Audio Systems: amp, rca cables, female rca
Questionhi my question is since my amp has 4rca inputs (2red 2white) for front and rear and my stereo has only 2rca and right now i have the 2rca inputs for front connected but have no idea on how to connect the rear rca cables how do i connect the other 2 inputs on my amp or do i have to get the stereo wires modified
AnswerPlease give me make and model numbers. Without knowing the configuration of the exact product I can only guess what you have as not all models have the same I/O ports.
However, most amps that have 4 input jacks are 4 channel amps and drive two sets of speakers. If your feeder amp has only stereo output you need a combiner so you can drive the fronts and rears with the same input. (Some amps have a combining switch on the amp that will tie the two together).
You can split the outputs of the feeder amp/preamp using two of these:
They can be purchased at Radio Shack and many other such parts stores. Even Walmart has them....