Audio Systems: cd recorder, sony cd recorder, sony authorized repair

hi i have a sony cd recorder, #rcd-w500c, latley when i try try record from an external source, turntable, tape deck etc, i get nessage saying> din umlock c71 sony says to clear reset but does not say how to do this please help. thanks

According to page 37 of the Sony Manual it states, "If this message is displayed momentarily, it is not an error. It is caused by the digital signal during recording", and " During the recording of a digital sound source, the connecting cable has been disconnected or the player of the sound source has turned off".

According to the manual, it seems that this should only be happening during recording from a digital source. If it is not affecting the recording, you probably don't need to worry about it. If it is affecting your ability to record, You'll need to find a Sony authorized repair shop.

As far as how to clear it from the screen, I cannot help you there. Sony is notorious for having fairly insufficient troubleshooting help in the manuals, and their customer service isn't much better.