Audio Systems: Nad processor stuck in headphone mode

My Nad t163 received a bump in shipping and now it is stuck in headphone mode.  I still receive sound thru hp's but take out hp's still in headphone mode.  I even removed the whole hp jack since I want the unit for surround sound but still said it was in hp mode.  Is there any way to bypass hp mode since I dont care about hp's or probably just take in and more than likely replace audio ic?

Your manual says:

20 PHONES: Accepts stereo headphone using a standard 1/4-inch stereo phone plug (use a suitable adapter for headphones equipped with a smaller
plug); set the Listening Mode to “Stereo” Plugging in headphones automatically mutes output from all channels’ speaker and pre-out jacks (but not
from the record-out jacks of TAPE, VCR, or VIDEO 4).
NOTE: For headphone listening the front left/right speakers must be set to “Large” on the OSD’s Speaker Settings page, otherwise headphone bass
response will be restricted.
NOTE: Plugging in headphones will automatically switch the T 163 to “Stereo” mode.

If you have followed the above procedures and precautions and it is still not working it must be diagnosed for a defective condition.  Just make sure you have followed the NOTE comments above so you know it is set up properly  - - before you send it off to the shop.

Let me know if you have more discussion.

PS:  By the way, there are software upgrades for this model and you can download them for installation from the NAD web pages.   The upgrade could have something to do with the speaker settings and playback codes as I understand it.