QuestionOk heres what i got.
2000 Jeep Wrangler TJ
Pioner 6700MP CD Player ( 2 RCA Subs, 2 RCA front speakers )
AutoTek SX1700 Amp ( 4 Channel )
Lanzer 210 Amp ( 4 Channel )
Two Hiflonics Brutus 15 Subs
Two Hiflonics Zezus 6X9
Set up:
From CD Player-SUB RCAS to amp to 15s, front rcas out of cdplayer
to other amp to 6X9s. The way I have it set up is that I have the rcas running to the amp to the the subs. I have other rcas running out to the other amp two run the 6X9s. I was told that I could run the sub rcas the the 210 and try the cross over to the other amp, I did that and all I get is nothing, same for the subs and the 6X9s, is it me or is it just my cd player? Is there a better way I could have it setup? Rightnow when ever I turn off my subs my 6x9s don't turn off and I running them off the same remote? Any subjections? thanks.
AnswerCan't give you any specific advice without knowing the very specific hookup you are using, but let me give some generic advice.
Best is to check out each item one by one. In other words before firing up the subs, check out the 4 channel amps. Make sure they are working and you are getting the sound from the speakers they are driving. Check the remote turn-on lines for power ON and OFF for the amp. Go around and listen to the speaker to make sure the ones that are supposed to be pumping out sound are really the ones. It is easy to get the wires crossed.
After one amp is working and all proved out then go to the next one; don't go on until you know it is working properly.
Do the subs last.
IF: You are getting no sound from any amp or speaker then the 6700 may be bad. Check it out by pulling it out of the jeep. Fire it up with long wires connected directly from the battery to the player. Use a known good amp and speaker so that you know positively that it is working outside the vehicle. Then, install it back in and connect one speaker at a time or in some way that you know what is happening.
It is hard work, but that is the name of the game for mobile installs....... It is worth the headaches when you get it all working. With this set of equipment you will get some pretty awesome sound. I only hope you don't overpower the battery..... you may have to install a high output alternator and battery to keep up with the power needs of all the amplifiers!
Best wishes,