Audio Systems: Car Stereo/Security, car thieves, chevy pickup

Hi Cleggsan,

I own a 1991 Chevy Pickup Silverado. I'm looking for a car stereo where you can take the whole stereo box with you, not just the face-plate. Do you know of any such stereos; and can you direct me to a good brand(s)?


I don't know of any slide out radios for GM right off. Did you google around?  You might find some listed on google/shopping, Amazon or crutchfield.

It is not a good idea to do so because of the fragility of connectors and vibration when the unit it handled too often.

Most modern replacement radios have anti-theft codes built in and the car thieves know by looking at them if they are coded.  Without the code the radio cannot work and only one who has the code can make it go.  So, you might think about that angle.

Best wishes,