Audio Systems: chrsyler 300c, chrysler 300c, newer cars

QUESTION: hi, i plan on buying a chrysler 300c, but it doesnt have a navigation system.
i plan on putting in one, but the car has the weird volume knobs that make it look like it would be a difficult process. if you dont know what i am reffering to...look up a 2006 chrysler 300c, and see the pictures for the base deck.

let me know what i can do or get.


ANSWER: yes there are 2 knobs that come to the sides, i don't understand why is that a problem ???

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The problem is that it's not a natural fit. I don't want to have space on the sides of it. Iwant a double din touchscreen  but I want it to look natural. The newer 300's have the regular double din so it would look natural of I replaced the ones in the newer cars.

The factory nav radio have the same 2 knobs on the side and it looks great on the dash
if you want to use aftermarket radio, the dash needs to be fill with fiberglass and paint again
there is no other way    

get the ideas from this instructions, good luck