Audio Systems: 1999 mazda protege installation, mazda protege, rear speakers

Hi, i have a 1999 mazda protege, and the cd player does not work. i have since bought a cheaper model deck to install. my question is, can you give me step by step directions? ive already got the current stereo pulled out, but not disconnected.
i know thats a hefty question, but id like to do it myself tonight, as im leaving on a road trip tomorrow morning. any help would be appreciated!

Here is the wiring chart for the 1999 Protoge:

You must learn the wiring chart for your radio and match the functionality.  
You can google for the owners or install manual for your radio model (you did not give it in the question so I can't help you with that).

Using a wiring harness makes it easier to install; and especially to remove the radio after installed, if you have to in the future.

Here is the wiring from above for your help.

1999 Mazda Protege Stereo Wiring
Constant 12V+   Blue/Red
Switched 12V+    Blue/Black
Ground    Black/Yellow
Illumination    Red/Black
Dimmer    n/a
Antenna    Driver's Pillar
Front Speakers    6 1/2" Doors
Left Front (+)    Purple
Left Front (-)    Blue/Orange
Right Front (+)    Yellow/Blue
Right Front (-)    Purple/White
Rear Speakers    6" x 9" Rear Deck
Left Rear (+)    Yellow
Left Rear (-)    Orange
Right Rear (+)    Green/Orange
Right Rear (-)    Green/Black

Good Luck,