Audio Systems: Sizing a car amp, google search, car amp

QUESTION: I have two 500 watt subs and a 300 watt amp, is my amp big enough to take all 1000 watts?

ANSWER: You sound a bit confused because (the way your question reads) you presume that the speakers are somehow creating the wattage/power.
This is not the case at all.
The amplifier is what creates the usable wattage/power for the speakers to use.
The speakers are what must be able to stand up to that wattage.

Since they rated at 500 watts each, the speakers can easily 'handle' or 'take' the 300 watts from the amp and should make a decent combo if setup properly.

*Be sure you use RMS power ratings (continuous/average power) for your design needs. Never use 'peak' ratings for any audio device.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: last night prior to my question i got my subs working for a good minute put then my amps LED indicator went red what could have possibly happened? The fuses are fine and it still has voltage all around, speaker wires are all in, while its on it only gives me a very low toned thump, what would cause that? Sorry it's my first time with audio equipment

ANSWER: My guess would be that the impedance load (speakers as wired to the amp) is incorrect (too low) for the amplifier.
Try Series wiring instead of Parallel.
Let me know the exact make and model numbers (speakers and amp) and I can likely tell you what is going on and how to correct it.
I also need to know if you are using the amp in stereo or bridged mono or what.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: To be completely honest here I have no idea where i would find out all that information and i dont understand much of what you just said

well first off, you should try a google search for the manufacturers name and model number for both the amp and the speakers.
For example, 'Nakamichi PA-300 specs' if you are looking for information about a Nakamichi power amp model number PA-300.
I have no idea what make and models you are using so I need you to paint a specific picture with words.

As to how it is currently wired reading this may shed some light on the subject:
