I’m looking for a pair of speakers [left and right] for my PC.
My sound card uses a sample rate of 192 kHz which means it can output a maximum frequency of 96 kHz. Hence, I would prefer that the speaker also be able to clearly emit sounds both in the audible range and up to an ultrasonic 96 kHz.
Also, I prefer that the above speaker-pair be the most clip-resistant available while meeting the above frequency-response criteria. Clipping is caused when the amplitude of a signal is too large for the device to handle, hence the device clips the signal, distorting it. I prefer that no clipping occur to any extent even if loud punk music and hard rock and played at the loudest setting my sound card can output with the soft-limiter.
I use this sound card:
What is the lowest price with which I can purchase such a wonderful speaker pair?
If a speaker-set that meets my exact requirements are not available, what speaker-pair exists that most closely resembles what I am looking for?
Thanks a bunch,
AnswerClipping is caused when you have the loudness control set too high!
PC Speakers donot respond as high as 98Khz! That is a demod spec not an audio spec.
In any event, there are many, many to choose from and since you are in the usa here is what I recommend to you. Go to google shopping and enter in these search words: pc speakers
You will get this:
and you can choose from many, many listed. Your nearby computer stores such as Walmart, Bestbuy, Target and others have them by the hundreds.
Happy searching.