QuestionQUESTION: could you please tell me where is the factory installed amp? we were told it was behaind head unit and it is not so it is preventing the head unit from playing above 30 on volume control speakers cut off and on once volume is raised.
ANSWER: YOU NEED A SOUNDGATE XRT4 or email for the correct interface
the amplifiers are 5 pieces 4 amplifiers and a control relay unit
the amplifiers are inside the doors behind the speakers and in the back pannels behind the speakers
the control box is behind the glove box in some vehicles in some other it is behind the ac control
all 5 need to be remove or you need to install the interface
next time the year will help me a lot and tell you the location of what you are looking for
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: sorry about not mentioninf the year 1998 LXI and i greatly appreciate your timely response.. than you very much ( :
ANSWER: the relay box is on the right side of the radio, left side of the glove box behind the dash
again it will be better to buy the hi low interface for infinity systems
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: what is a oem interfae differential converter and how will it improve my system? i dont necessarily have to replace factory amp just really want new head unit to play as it should. and what is preventining it from playing at its full capacity? i really like the sounf of the infinity sytem.
Answerthe oem interface will convert the high output of your new radio into low signal like the factory infinity radio, this way there is no going to be any static or distortion, you also have to look at the harness wiring that was install with the radio and make sure they are not out of phase