QuestionI live full-time in an RV Class C Motorhome. The truck part is a 2005 Ford 450. The dashboard radio is hooked up to a sound system that plays throughout the whole living space. I bought the rv used. It came with a Jensen CD 3010X Compact Disc digital radio. It is set up so that it does not turn off when the key is extracted, but a button must be manually pushed off. I've had the rv for over 6 months. The radio has been fine since I've had it. However, this past Sunday, the radio has started turning itself on -- randomly at various intervals, one minute, 5 minutes, 1 hour, 3 hours. I get up and turn it off each time. It can be 3:30 in the morning. Sometimes, it won't turn off. I come home after being out for 3 hours and it is on. It is driving me crazy. Any advise? Do you need more info?
Thanks, I appreciate your help.
Answerthe installation is part of the problem
pull the radio out and see if the red aand yellow wire are together ,they can not be together
if they are not cut the red wire from the radio get a piece of wire and add some wire to the red cable run this to the ignition switch
you need to find ignition power ( only when the ignition key is open)
un connect this cable there
good luck