QuestionI'm planning my future upgrade to my home theater. This will include a Pioneer pro151 plasma 60" and a denon receiver. I currently use and really like my B&O Penta speakers. They are narrow towers and each has a 150 watt amp in them. Anyway, I'm looking for a really good center channel speaker to go with this. Any suggestions?
I'm considering the JBL LC2 or, if I can save up the money, the Klipsch RC-64.
AnswerI donot make equipment recommendations because there are so many subjective factors involved; size, color, cost, interface connections, sound quality, matching acoustic performance with other components, etc.
I suggest you visit a few audio shops and audition some speakers that might fit with your system and give it a try. The main purpose of the center channel is to provide point source sound for the center channel voice from tv programs. So, in the final analysis it must be a good voice speaker.
I heartily agree that JBL and Klipsch make fine products; normally you would not go wrong with either one, but you should do some homework before deciding. Make sure you purchase from a retailer that will allow you to exchange or return if it does not work out after hooking it up in your system. What sounds good in the store does not always sound the same when you get it installed in your home system.
Best wishes,