Audio Systems: Amp and Speaker Matching, peavey speakers, power rms

Hi would the RMX 2450 be a good match with the Peavey
PV215(s) (one per side) or would that be pushing the amp to much I was looking at the speakers program rating (700) and also what is the diffrence beween program and rms rating?

Program is like music.  Program or music is much, much less demanding that full sine wave power  (rms is a misnomer; there is no such thing as rms power even though advertisers like to use that term).

The RMX 2450 is a very fine, professional amplifier.  Pushing the amp is up to you; if you turn up the level too high it will "push" the amplifier.

Pay not attention to the power ratings on loudspeakers; they are essentially meaningless.  The Peaveys are very high sensitivity and don't take so much power to make them thunder loud.

The amp is more robust and more "professional" than are the speakers;  you have no worries.  If you like the sound of the Peavey speakers then that is the most important thing to dwell on.