Audio Systems: Feb. 2009, digital satellite receivers, analog devices

QUESTION: I have one of those radios which has a band in which I could hear the audio portion of television stations on this radio. Is there anything I could do to this radio so that I could still hear the audio portion of television stations in February 2009? Thank you very much. Al Brown

ANSWER: Very good question and one that I need to research. Give me a few days. If you don't hear from me please remind me again.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I still have not heard from you. This is to remind you again. Thank you. Al Brown

At the moment there seems to be no provision for a purely digital signal to become modulated analog for radio. Once the mandate is met the three providers that will carry television; Cable, the Phone Company and digital Satellite receivers will cease to support any analog devices. Knowing the state of the economy, it would make sense that someone come up with a device to allow the older devices to receive the digital signal, but that is only a prediction.

I don't think we'll know anything until the spring.