Audio Systems: speakers fneeded for a concept 2.5 amplifier, ar speakers, retail chains

Hello Wayne.  I am in need o a pait of bookshelf sized speakers for my "old school" Concept 2.5 amplifier and TEAC turntable.  It requires a wire that has 2 parts and fits into a small port.  I currently have a pair of AR speakers but the do not fit on my bookshelf .  They are too big.  Do you know of a source that I can check?

Thank You,


My suggestion would be to go to your local HI-FI store and "audition" speakers with a CD that you're familiar with. Once you find a pair that are sonically, dimensionally, and financially right for you, get the model / make and dig around online. Usually, you can find better deals from online stores instead of the retail chains.