QuestionI just purchased this vehicle for my daughter. The speakers are bad in it. If I replace the stereo will the control buttons on the steering wheel still work with new radio?
AnswerNot without the adapter box that connects to the control circuits.
But, if the speakers are bad, and if the radio unit is still working fine, maybe you need to replace the bad speakers. Just replacing the radio/stereo unit will not fix the bad speakers!
I refer you to the following:
After looking at these two for basics, go to:
and work through the "outfit my car" sequence to find out which kits you need for all the connections and installations. You will need to answer a series of questions about the model car you have and the radio unit it is now equipped with. You are not obligated to purchase any new equipment from crutchfield but if you do they will supply you with the necessary wiring harnesses and installation instructions.
Hope this helps.