Audio Systems: question please, engineer career, career entrance


when I m asking you about audio engineer career entrance I didn't highlight on the following points

I didn't want to access audio engineer world in absolute , I specially want access audio engineer related to cinema , movies , theaters  also music world only , thats results to my adoration for arts , I realy did some works as recording short movies & select the suitable music for it & also vice verse I sometimes select a music & try to describe it with pictures & videos (has great imagination for music), so I have some directing talent , also I playing music , writing poems , stories , plays , screen plays

my choice for audio engineer result from my owned degree in electronics & communication , musical ear also my adore of the above arts

I want to involve in arts environment through audio engineer (hope you understand my plan)

after that all give me your advices ,opinion , comments & also observation


ANSWER: The best I can do it look at your bio as I would any potential employee and let you know if I am the right person to ask that question. I don't salt food before I taste it. That analogy applies to hiring an employee. Telling me that you have experience it not like me seeing your abilities first hand. I have gone through scores of employees who sing praises of themselves then are not able to perform to my criteria.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: "Telling me that you have experience it not like me seeing your abilities first hand"

how can I prove you my abilities ?
you may give me tests if you want  

The only test I could give you would be to follow me around for a week and see if there is a discipline that you can pick up that would save me time. I am in a very high end demanding business working with clients who are either millionaires or own chains of 5 star restaurants an hotels. You don't get too many chances in my business to make mistakes. An apprentice usually doesn't last long unless their bio demonstrates that they've worked in a the field for awhile and proved their worth by bringing home large contracts. Can you use AUTOCADD, PROTOOLS supervise 30 men in the field installing A/V systems. That's the help I need.

This is a test. If you answer yes you may be lucky enough to prove your ability or waste a week of your time.