Audio Systems: amp and speakers, skytec speakers, high fidelity

hi, i has got 2x300w 15" skytec speakers in my living room that i have never used. i have no wires for them or an amp. do you know what sort of wires and amp i will need? how many watts does the amp have to have?. also, do you know what sort of pricing i will be looking at? thank you

Skytec makes a range of products; for home use, DJ and PA.  So, without the model number I cannot be very specific regarding the speakers you have.  BUT:

ONE:  The power ratings on speakers don't mean much.  Usually the rating is much higher than they are really suitable for.

TWO:  You can drive them with any good amplifier of 100W and up.

THREE:  Speaker wire for general purpose is available at any hardware store.  Zip cord of 16 ga will be good for up to several feet distance without any degradation.

FOUR:  You can purchase an amplifier that will drive these speakers just fine for under $100 USD or around 90 Euros.  A little more spent will make a little better sound, but you really want to go by the features and performances you want to get out of it.

Hope this gets you started but let me know if you need more.

PS: Skytec speakers are not what we call high fidelity; they are a medium class product and I don't recommend you spend much much time or effort on them.