Audio Systems: creating new song from multiple tracks, hot chili peppers, external sound cards
QuestionHi, I want to create a song by combining 2 really popular songs together and using just a few seconds of vocal stuff from 6 other songs. Is there software that allows me to dissect each track and take just certain layers from it? For instance I want the bass from one song and the vocals and the guitar from another. The few seconds I would be pulling from the other 6 would be things like: the line "Fight like a brave!" from Fight Like A Brave by the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I would want JUST the vocals and nothing else from the track. Is this possible?
AnswerThere are professional programs called Pro Tools and Logic for PC or mac. They may require external sound cards. They are used by 90% of all professional musicians and engineers. You will need training. If you have a Mac you may be able to get trained at one of their seminars. Mac also has Garage Band which I believe has multi-track capability. Audacity is a semi pro software that may also have those capabilities. There are many other companies who make software for this purpose but I can't account for them since I have no experience with other software. Most of the semi pro companies will allow you to use their software for a 30 day trial. They want you to buy it so they should have tech support to help you through some of the operations.