Audio Systems: Visonik Sub Problem!!, dc resistance, left speaker

I have a dual 10 in. visonik sub setup. They are already in a box and it also came with an amp. I'm unsure about the wattage of this system. About 3 yrs after having this system one of the speakers stopped playing sound. I figured it was the amp so I bought a new one. I got a 600w visonik, 4 channel. I hooked up the subs to this amp. I wired the left speaker to channel 2 and the right speaker to channel 1. But, the left speaker still does not work. I checked the speaker leads and everything seems to be connected just fine...i checked the wiring to the head unit...everything seems fine...idk wat the hell could be u? thanks.

Swap the speaker/amp connections. If the left speaker still does not work it is most likely the voice coil has gone open - or, could even be the leads connecting inside the woofer have melted.

You can check it by disconnecting it from the amplifier and check the dc resistance with an ohmmeter (from Home Depot or Walmart for under $10) or you can connect the wires across a 1.5v D or 9V battery - which will produce a clicking sound when the contact is made with the battery.

The speaker can be repaired or replaced.  Most big cities have speaker repair shops that will replace the voice coil - or you could send it back to Visonic for them to repair.  OR, you could just buy a new 10" woofer of similar or identical design.

Hope this helps.

PS: Maybe you can see your sub here: