Audio Systems: Media box, neighborhood function, local radio station

I was setting up a sound system for a local Neighborhood function and a local radio station came up to me with a XLR cable and wanted to hook up for a live feed. I checked with a local store and was told about $1300. for a cheap Media Box. Is there any way I could build one as I do not have that kind of money? I have a 30 year background in the electronics repair business and have built many things but without a print I would not know what kind of levels of audio they would need for there equipment. Or is there a source for cheaper, maybe used ones.
Thanks, James

You'll have to be a little clearer about your question.

If the station wants to take a signal out of your sound system and the only requirement is that you provide them with an XLR output you can go to Radio Shack and simply buy an adapter.

What is your output connection, impedance and voltage?

What is their capability as far as control and impedance match. If it's a Radio Station and they are professionals that do this kind of thing from time to time, then they should be able to accommodate you, not the other way around.

Whatever it was that your local store told you you needed to buy, I think both they and the Radio Station need to hire technicians who know what their talking about.

If they are actually referring to a particular device then give me the make and model number and Radio Station spec and I'll give you more specific advice.