Audio Systems: Jensen amp, authorized service center, load changes

QUESTION: Hello I have a JENSEN XA-3022LX AMP. when I power it up the red led light comes on and then goes off I can not get it to stay on I have all my connections correct.

ANSWER: Disconnect everything for a minute.

Apply ONLY power and what does the LED do?

If it comes on and stays, disconnect for a minute.

Connect speakers then power, what does it do?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: the led comes on and goes right back off with the speakers disconnected

ANSWER: So the light is supposed to stay on?

If so then the amp has malfunctioed and is need of service. Seek the manufacturer or an authorized service center.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Yes its the red power light

Then the amp has malfunctioed and is need of service. Seek the manufacturer or an authorized service center.

You may also want to check the speaker ohms. Make sure the final load doesn't fall below what the amp can handle. The final ohm load changes when you wire speakers together