Audio Systems: lighting cap, audiobauhn, channel amps
Questionright now i have a stinger cap for on a 2 amps a 4 channel and and a sub problem the damn cap stays on...alllll the time....y would it do this...and do i really even need to run my stuff...i think im pushing 500-600 wats...was thinking about about getting a single 6 channel from rockford or i need the cap
AnswerThat's normal. The cap will always have power, the display just stays on for a few minues as long as there is no voltage change. Just opening a door will trigger the display to come on.
Caps are only for power conditioning, that's it. They don't improve sound quality in any way nor do they stop dimming lights.
Keep what you have. 6 channel amps are ok if you'r getting all new speakers/subs to match the power handling, but if you're keeping what you have....., keep what you have. ;)