Audio Systems: guitar amp, shure sm57, sound reinforcement
QuestionI have been running sound for about four years and i was wondering if there is a way to put the guitar into the system through the amp in such a way that allows the guitar to be heard in the amp and the system.
The standard way of doing this is actually as simple as putting a microphone in front of the amp. You could get a Y adapter and split the audio signal directly from the guitar, but the amplifier affects the sound's tone quality, so you're really better off just sticking a microphone in front of the amp.
When I've done Sound Reinforcement for bands, we've always used the Shure SM57, since it's cheap ($100) and sounds FANTASTIC.
Mics are usually placed 1-10 inches away from the speaker and 2/3 of the way from the center to the outer rim of the speaker, but this is just a rule of thumb -- go for what sounds good!
Hope this helps!