Audio Systems: ProTools, logic software, professional musician

Tell me everything you know about ProTools.  Don't leave out any details.

Is this a test?

If you are a professional musician you wouldn't be asking me that question since there is a plethora of manuals and training classes world wide for Pro Tools since it has become one of the most widely used  music editing, mixing, mastering tools of the industry. If you are thinking of using it 'matter of factely' as semi pro or amateur music software then you are probably better off using software with a shorter learning curve like Sound Forge. If you want the multi-tracking capabilities then it is a good choice as is Logic software. If you were able to find this website then you should have less trouble finding out  about the software packages that I've mentioned.

Maybe if I wasn't a professional or really understood Pro Tools I could answer your question as it was put in a few paragraphs.