Audio Systems: Acura Bose cassette wont play, ipod cassette adapter, acura legend

I have a '94 Acura Legend and the tape deck will accept my ipod cassette
adapter and then the tape just remains in the player not turning and does not
produce sound unless the volume is at max and even then you can barely hear
anything.  It is almost like the deck isn't catching or something

The problem here is most likely that the loading mechanism has not completed its cycle.  The cassette adapter loads like a cassette and provides a signal at the location of the cassetet heads.  If the internal belts are slipping a bit, the heads will partially load, allowing the unit to appear to function properly.  The heads will be too far from the adapter to properly "read" the info and you will get a very weak signal.  The unit must be removed from the vehicle and the main belt replaced.  That should resolve the problem.