Audio Systems: cd/tape players, church choir director, microphone preamps
QuestionI am a church choir director who makes use of split-track CD's & tapes, for learning songs & for performances. Is there a device available that makes use of the split-track capability that is reasonable to obtain without the use of a mixer board. I would like something portable and easy to use. The ones I have previously owned and used have seen their better day. I have been unable to locate any at stores or on the web. Can you help? Thanks.
AnswerAs you can see by my credentials I am an audio engineer that designs and builds recording facilities. In those facilities we always use mixing boards. That's how we do what you want to do in the pro world. I can only assume that you are referring to recording music on one track and vocals on another. If you are simply using microphones and want to record them then you would either need microphone preamps or wireless microphones to do what you want and they would have to be recorded to the CD or tape recorder at the same time. In recording you cannot record one channel in sync while listening to the another channel (track) previously recorded, unless you have a device that is specifically made to sync playback and recording.