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feb of this yr, I got some so-called rewiring done to my audio system by a local business specializing in car audio. well they replaced my deck(pioneer), got acustom bx for my subs (2 12inch alpines type e) all hooked to my amp (streetedge by memphis). mid june of this yr my amp stopped working, I found out that they were burnt out; how can this happen and what is the best wiring design when hooking your subs to an amp?
AnswerFirst, the wiring must be correct; no shorts or touching to the metal chassis, etc. Secondly, you can overload the amp by driving them too hard with strong bass audio.
AND: If the impedance of the speakers are too low it will overload the amp bigtime and cause burnouts. For this you must check the specifications of the amp and the speakers. For example, if the sub speakers were dual voice coils and they were put in parallel giving a net impedance of 2 ohms and the amp rating is for 4 ohms = that equals disaster.
So, you must do some checking and see if it is a mismatch, wiring problem or an underpowered amp for the music levels you were expecting out of it.
Hope this helps.