Audio Systems: Matching pair of bookshelf speakers, ohm impedance, bookshelf speakers

Dear sir,

Hoping you can help me out,

I have been a big fan of vintage receivers my entire life but espacially Bang & Olufsen. I recently stumbled over a very good deal i could not refuse, a Beocenter 9000 for less than 300 in excellent condition, no flaws what so ever!

Link to specs:

Now my dilemma is to find a well matching pair of sspeakers, can be any brand, bookshelf prefered and these shoudl be priced between 200-400 usd.

Do you have any suggestions?

Speaker choice is entirely subjective.  The only specifications that have important meaning are impedance and sensitivity.  After that it is really a function of their size, styling, cost and what sound quality you like.  And, unfortunately, size and cost do not translate into better or worse sound.

If you like vintage stuff, why not hang a couple of old ARs on to it.  These are good sounding and have the 8 ohm impedance that is required by the B&O stuff.

Or any 8 ohm speaker that you like the sound of.  There are many choices for you to research.  But you must know what sound you are after for your personal taste and go for that sound.  It is often according to the music that you listen to.  

Happy Hunting,

PS: Used ARs and KLH vintage speakers are very good sounding if you like the east coast and boston sound and they are usually easy to find in the price range you mentioned. And, of course, B&O made speakers to match your system that are probably available on eBay if you search broad enough.