QuestionQUESTION: We have a cable DVR box connected to our TV ... no problem. Just bought a DVD
player to add to the scenario ... problem is that the chart shows to connect the
wall cable to the DVR, run 3 cords from DVR video/audio output jacks to DVD
video/audio input jacks .... oops, no input jack slots on the DVD!!! Now what?
We thought we'd run Cable to DVR to TV, and also from DVD to TV, but the TV only
has a 2 leftover input slots (instead of 3) ... HELP!
ANSWER: Sounds as if the TV is a bit older then the DVR. I don't suppose you are viewing any high definition in which case the RCA cables you are referring to are Video and Audio left & Right (colored Red White and Yellow). Your TV is mono so there are no stereo inputs. Do you have a stereo system nearby? It would help for you to describe you system in detail and tell me what level of video you watch.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Yes 15 yr old TV. And yes, RCA cables, red, white and yellow. So I can plug the video and one audio cables into the tv and that will do it? no stero system hooked in. just very basic.
bought a gadget yesterday, which takes the 3 plugs from the DVD player, and then run a coax cable from the gadget to the TV. didn't work. need an S cable too, i think. can you tell i'm out of my league? thanks!
AnswerYou're not out of your league. You're out of mine. I work with cutting edge equipment and I am happy to answer questions regarding the latest in technology. It's far more work to keep track of technology that I don't work with on a daily basis. There are not many companies these days who want to deal with backward technology from the 80's. Radio Shack can probably solve all of your problems because their salesmen think their technicians. A little calisthenics for their minds.