Audio Systems: sound system issue, distribution block, electrical section
QuestionMy sound system was working fine, I added changed the distribution block. and after that amo's won't turn on. I changed the distribution block back to the working one. i even try changing the in fuse near the battery. same issue, i tried checking everythinmg and no amp's longer turn on. i even took the distribution block and same issue. please help
AnswerChances are the amps are not getting 12v juice. Do you have a voltmeter? If not, I highly recommend the little volt-ohm-ampere meter (called a VOM) from Walmart electrical section for $9.83. It is an indispensable unit for general mobile work. With it you can check for 12v at the amp. There are two 12v lines, typically. One for constant 12v live to power the amp; big wire coming from the battery and 12v always ON. The other coming from either the ignition of the head unit and is for switching the amps to ON; it carries little current and is usually blue in color (but can be any color).
If you have lost the 12v, you can easily track it down using the voltmeter. If you don't know how to use the voltmeter after reading the instructions that come with it, let me know.