Audio Systems: MB Becker head-end re-program, acc fans, waiting time

'99 E class; pulled Becker head-end out with MB tools, had repaired; on re-install, learned that if you don't enter code correctly the radio will not synch in/it locks out and you "need a reporgram".  Any experience or knowledge of how to do this?? Or do I just go to the local MB guys?Thanks!!

not correct this is the way it works it happened to us many times
for every time you enter the wrong code there is a 1 to 2 hours waiting time if you enter the code wrong 3 times you need to wait 3 to 6 hours
lower 1 window turn off the acc,fans,lights and turn on the radio ,leave it alone for couple of hours i don't know how many times you enter the code wrong
and come back to the vehicle to check the radio display every 30 minutes
good luck