I m an electronics & communication engineer , hope to enter audio field
my countery is not familiar with that type of career , few studios here
to improve my skills in audio engineering , can you recommend me any institute offer an internship or courses for amateurs of sound & music or engineers who want to access that field , specially if that institute offer this studies for free as a grant or with ehanced tuition
wish to hear from you soon
AnswerI recommend you visit the Audio Engineering Society web site and study their education materials and college listings.
This is the best comprehensive listing of schools, colleges and universities and their various programs in recording, technology and full engineering programs (BS, MS and PhD level courses).
I think this will help you to answer all your questions.
PS: My first choices for such schools are University of Miami, Corals Gables, FL and its Music Engineering school an Georgia Institute of Technology that has course work in transducers and multimedia technology. Of course, MIT Media Lab, also, which offers a full PhD level program in all areas of Media and reproductive sciences.