Audio Systems: cd player, battery cables, change oil
QuestionI have a 2002 maxima and the cd player keeps giving me a F3 error code. Before it worked fine and we ejected a cd and it has not taken another since. Is it something simple or do I need to get it sent off?
AnswerWithout knowing which system you have (Maximas had several units available in the 02 car) it is difficult to say.
However, considering the age of the unit, it is probably best to just change out the player for new merchandise. The F3 code merely means a malfunction. Sometimes a reset will do it, but no guarantee that it will. WOrth a try if you know how to do it. Easiest way is to lift the battery cables so there is no power in the entire car. Leave it disconnected for 20 minutes and power up again. You will have to reset the clock and any other programmed devices in the car such as the change oil reminder light.
Hope this helps.
PS: I don't think Nissan included any anti-theft radios in the o2 cars, but double check. If your head unit has anti-theft coding you will need the factory code to get it going again after removing power; without that code you cannot get it to turn on - that's why they call it "anti-theft".