Audio Systems: Vented Enclosure ( Circle Port ) for KICKER 12L7, audio logic, question pool
I just got 1 of L7 12".I would like to make Vented Enclosure and use circle port but in the manual is not show detail of the port..May you suggest me about enclosure of L7 12"...
in manual..
Vented Box vol. = 1.75-3.25 cu.ft.
AnswerThis is car audio not real audio. Most of the enclosures are designed for an upper harmonics of the fundamental frequency because you need a cabinet 5 times that size to produce any real bass from a 12" speaker. Manufacturers who make speakers to be put in small enclodusures usually find tricks with the speakers and the enclosure to simulate low bass frequencies. It takes 28 feet to produce a 40hz wave. Car audio is not my expertise because there is no actual audio logic to why people think that you can get anything accurate in that little environment. You should throw your question back into the question pool for someone who does that kind of work or ask a manufacturer of a "kicker" (for automobile use).
The bible of audio would not have a chapter on this.