I am building a home theatre for my home and I have selected a Yamaha AV receiver. I am going through various brands for front tower speakers. I have come across two categories of tower speakers:
1. Tower speakers for home theatres
2. Tower speakers for stereo amplifiers. Ex Jamo S 708
Are they both interchangeable? Can I buy a stereo speakers and expect it to perform as good as the tower speakers of 5.1 home theatre?
I am asking that question because I dont have enough money to buy all 5 speakers and a subwoofer so I plan to buy only front tower speakers for the time being and later on add speakers.
AnswerSpeakers are the most important element in a system. That is to say, the overall sound quality will be more effected by the speakers you choose than any other component. Electronic products, that are well chosen, are nearly perfect in sound performance compared with speakers. So, select them carefully. In my experience with consumers, both novices and golden ears, a subwoofer properly installed has the single greatest improvement in overall sound reproduction performance. So, choose a good subwoofer when you get to it, also.
Yes, you can add speakers as you go. The right and left should be of identical design. Some say all speakers in a surround system must be equal, but I don't think it is necessary so long as the fronts and the backs are matched pairs of same make and model.
Tower speakers are tower speakers. The marketing may be different and they may make all sorts of claims but it is really up to you as to which you like the best for sound.
If you are going to be viewing video with the system you really need a center front speaker if you are going to be using a big screen display. Something that can reproduce the middle/center voice.
But, your idea of growing the system is very viable and I would not worry about it if you like the sounds your chosen speaker make.
ONE PRECAUTION: If some speakers are placed too near to a projection will cause magnetization of the screen. SOme speakers are better shielded than others. Keep that in mind.