Audio Systems: 97 toyota avalon lock up radio, toyota avalon, radio code

Our 1997 Toyota avalan needed a new battery so the battery was replaced. After that the radio locked up and sid HELP. i am pretty sure it just needs a code, if you know what that code is that would help out so much! Thank you so much if you could help and I will lookfor your email! THANKS!

This car came with anti-theft radio built in.  The code is given to the car owner with instructions to put the code in a safe place and keep it because you need it whenever the radio is removed or the battery replaced.

There is no way to make the radio power up without the code.

There are two ways  to obtain the code.

ONE:  Go to

who will provide it to you for a fee.

TWO:  Go to your Toyota dealer and see if they have a service that will provide it.

The cost can range from  $35 and up.

If you are the original owner of the car you should have the code in your papers. If you are a second owner you should have not purchased the car unless they can provide the code that goes with the radio.......

Hope this helps.