Audio Systems: 10 stacker cd player wont play most cds, honda integra gsi, boom box
Questionas says in my topic, I can't seem to play any cd's that i burn using the latets Neero premium. The audio cd's work on my boom box just not on this.
i have a 1997 honda integra gsi which has a 10 stacker cd unit in the boot of the car... while cd's are in there correctly they just wont play, it seems that it can detec the cd's. is there any specific format i should be burning them as?
AnswerIf the stacker in the HI is a 1997 it is no wonder they won't play cdrs. The players of that age are not compatible with the format (which is a little different from music cds you buy in the shop). The boombox is probably a much newer design and if you read the specs carefully you will note it says something about being able to play cdrs, mp3s, etc.
Unfortunately, you will have to replace the stacker/player in the car - OR - add another player by its side.
Sorry for the bad news.