Audio Systems: car speaker, ohm meter, radio shack
Questionyes i have an aftermarket sound system in my car and a buddy of mine turned my bass up too loud and now i get no sound from my sub woofer in my trunk. the speakers in my car sound just fine but nothing comes from my speaker in my trunk. could this be a fuse, i don't think it is blown out becuase he did not see any smoke. if it is a fuse than how much will it cost to replace and can i do it myself, or better yet how do i determine the problem without taking it somewhere that will charge me a fortune.
AnswerProbably is a fuse.
It may be the fuse at the amp or the main power wire protection fuse (near the battery).
Both are relatively cheap to buy and easy to replace.
Generally you should pull the fuses out and look at them. They should show an obvious lack of connection (the wire or blade inside them is broken in the middle). Alternately, you can test them with a simple ohm meter available at radio shack for under $20.00. Most any radio shack person would probably test a fuse for you for free once you have it out of the vehicle and show it to them (or they can show you how to test a fuse if you buy the ohm meter).
The fuses might cost from .25 cents to $10.00 depending on the type.
They normally ARE an owner/operator replaced item.