Audio Systems: Honda CD Player Error, copy disc, player error

So, I own a '03 Civic that recently took some time off.  I was out of the country for 6  months, and the car was not driven by anyone else. Battery problems I had expected, but even now that I have them solved, the CD player/radio will not function at all, the display reading only "ERR 03".  The number doesn't seem to correspond to any specific error, but merely my number of attempts fiddling with it.  No display when the stereo's off, no clock, no error.  
I'm going absolutely crazy with no music.  I cannot explain in words how much I appreciate the answer to this question.


that error means that there is something stuck inside the cd player,  sorry i can not help you from here the radio needs to be open and service
but there is something inside a bad or bend disc, heat causes that or a copy disc with a paper label that unglue inside the radio