Questioni have 3 kicker comp vr 12 dual 4 ohm with a kicker 1000 watt amp how do i
wire them to get much power as i can , my amp is stable at 2 and 1 ohm
AnswerIf you connect the voice coils in parallel it will give you a 2 ohm load to its amp.
If you hook them in series it will give an 8 ohm load to the amp.
If you three identical speakers you can wire each of the coils in parallel then the three speakers in series. That will give you 6 ohms, which is good for the load to the amp (assuming it is bridgeable for mono drive).
Or, you could wire each woofer coil in series (for 8 ohms) then parallel the three to give you 8/3 = 2.7 ohm load to the mono amp.
Either of them will do the job and the difference in power transfer to the speakers is not much. The first one is higher impedance, cooler load for the amp than the second one.
Let me know if you have further questions.