Audio Systems: wiring 3 mtx 5500 12 speakers, dual voice coils, monster breathing
Questioni wanted to know how should i wire 3 mtx 5500 12" speakers up to a mono block kole 3000 watt amp
AnswerAre the MTX subwoofers the 4 ohm variety? Single voice coil? If so, you can put them in parallel and connect to the Kole. The 3 woofers in parallel would be a load to the amp of 4/3 ohms, or 1.33 ohms. The amp is rated at 1700watts into 1 ohm.
If the speakers are a lower impedance than 4 ohms you must reconsider. Let me know if this is so, or if the drivers have dual voice coils.
The greatest thing to concentrate on is the loading box for the woofers. You must have them mounted in the proper enclosure to get the optimum performance out of them. It is much more important than power.
Sounds like a monster breathing system. Good luck with it.