Audio Systems: how to hook up...., ohm subs, power fuse

hey, i have got a power acoustic lx2-1000 and two diamond audio d310d4 subs. I'm building a custom box to hold the subs and it will be built to specs. what is the best way to hook up the amp to the subs? I am kinda new when it comes to rms and max output and all that, any help would be appreciated! thanks

Both items are not what I suggest putting into any car..but if you are determined to try and 'polish a turd':

Wire the voice coils in series (in the positive, out the negative) so you end up with two 8 ohm subs, then wire the two subs (to the amps mono out leads) in parallel (wire both speaker inputs to the mono outs of the amp).
This will give the amp a 4 ohm load in mono.

The amp is poorly protected and with only 580 watts it will not get very loud with the power hungry speakers you have choosen... the subs have a very low efficiency rating  (84db @ 1watt).  
Be sure you do all of this with the cars' negative battery terminal removed. Placing the main power fuse in will be the last thing you do after the negative is re-attached.