Audio Systems: audio, nfiniti, fuse box

Hi Mark,

Thanks for your advice on my no-working-at-all Bose audio in my 97 Infiniti J30. Yes, most of the nfiniti with Bose are prone to defunct, like  mine. You're the first guy to point out to jiggle in the ignition position. Unfortunately, it didn't work after several trials. Tell me what I should do in the second place.

In order for you to have more clear idea of what happened to my Infiniti, I'll describe it in more detials:
Before the first time the audio didn't work, I turned the key from ON to ACC, let the engine off but the CD still worked. I had never done like this before, and it's also the last time. The next day when I turned on the start key the CD in the CD Player didn't work. That lasted for one month. Later on, after I touched the fuse box under the wheel and hood and even the shift lock and screws of the head unit, and then I turned on the start, the CD back to work again. But the next time when I turned on the start, the music is dead again. Now there is no sound at all.

Please tell me what I should do in the next.

The following is the first Email I sent to you:
" Hi Mark,
I have audio problem with my Infiniti J30, that doesn't work at all suddenly 2 month ago, I mean, no power at all with the whole audio system. Several weeks ago, I checked the fuses box under the driving wheel, the fuse box under the hood, and even tried to pull the head unit out to take a further look at inside but gave up because it's really tough to pull the trim out while I don't want to break it. Luckily, when I turned on the key, the audio was back to work. It's a huge surprise. Despite I don't know how, I was glad to have the music back to life. But the next morning when I turned the key on, the audio was back to silence again, forever.

I checked the fuses again, but to no avail. There is no sound at all. I'll check all of the fuses again to make the final try. Or should I pull the trim out to check the head unit? how? I don't think the head unit is broken.

If there is nothing wrong with the fuses, what other reason could lead to the audio power off? Is it the key ignition, or simply the wire problem? How to check them? Your detailed instructions with these respects will be greatly appreciated.


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try jiggling the key or holding the key in certain positions like pushing up on the key and holding it there, or down, or turning it back and forth in tiny movements quickly (not from one position to another, but wiggling it in the current position)
I believe the J30 has a separate switch in the ignition just for the radio and nothing else and these go bad.  you probably have the bose system which are also prone to failure.  you may have a heck of a repair job here depending on the problem unfortunately.  if its just the ignition thing there's some tricks we can do to get around that.
let me know what you find and we'll work from there.
Good luck!"

hmm  Id say next step is to get a meter (18 bucks at walmart) and pull that stereo out and start testing for power.  this way you'll either find a bad wire (which indicates your stereo is ok) and you can fix it, or all wires are fine (which indicates your stereo went bad)
either way this will tell you where the problem is.
if you have a meter or when you get one and you get the unit out, let me know and I'll help you test it if you need help.