Audio Systems: subwoofer / powered, sony hi, hi def tv

My 50" rear projection Sony Hi Def TV has 2 RCA red/white ports
labeled "Audio out".  The specs say that 1V max (rms) is produced
maximum when the volume is allowed to adjust, and
500mV when the output voltage is fixed.  I verifed that there is a menu
option for "fixed" or "dynamic".  (although I don't think there is a
separate volume control.

Anyway, can I just buy a subwoofer and plug it in to the output jacks
on the TV. Why do I need an amplifier?  I'm
happy with the midrange/treble. I can't tell for sure,
but I think Sony does what some of the other companies do:
the bottom of the TV set has 5 speakers or so, angled different
directions, to give some illusion of surround sound.  Whatever they do, it
sounds pretty good, seems like
it could just use some base.

Hi David,

There's a section on Home Theater on this site where you'll probably get a better answer, but I'll give it a shot.  If you have RCA-style red/white output jacks on the TV, you can hook it up to a subwoofer, but the sub will have to be separately powered, and must have what's called a "low-pass filter" built into it so it only plays the lowest frequencies.  You don't need a separate amp but the sub needs to be powered, which means it has an internal amp.

If you shop around carefully at subs before you buy you shouldn't have a problem.  Good luck!  Cheers, Wink