Audio Systems: problem with woofers, woofer, subwoofer
QuestionThe problem that I am currently encountering is as follows: I own two sets of woofers; one works perfectly when I install it in my vehicle but the other does not. I have come to the conclusion that the problem is not in the wiring inside of the vehicle, but in the other set of woofers. When I press down on the woofer it appearantly works and as I let go it malfunctions.In your experience, is there anything wrong with the subwoofer that i can try to fix or is the woofer shot?
Answernot quite sure what you mean when you say it malfunctions. there are basically 2 main problems that a sub can have. one is that it can get physically damaged where the rubber surround can rott or the cone can get damaged, etc.
the most common problem however is that the coil gets overloaded and burns up. this isnt really anything you can fix.
maybe there's nothing wrong with it, why dont you try explaining in detail what the sub is doing/not doing/behaving, etc.