Audio Systems: Weird stuff, radio frequency interference, radio phone

What can cause an amp( for a guitar) or a stereo speaker to "pick up" dialog from outside a home? We have twice had some sort of dialog come out of one of these devices for a couple of seconds. It sounds like when you get into a car that the last driver left the radio wide open on, and you crank it and it blasts! We don't know which one, just that these two devices are the only " speakers' in that room. I think somehow we are picking up someone elses radio, phone, walkie talkie etc. Is this possible?

We call it RFI, or Radio Frequency Interference.  IT is often caused by a "ham radio", mobile radio or cell phone passing by the home at just the right time.  Can also be caused by a nearby radio/tv transmitter.  Maybe you can identify the sound if a telephone conversation or voice from radio/tv.  That will help to decide what level and frequency the problem is.

The solution, in the most simple case, involves adding a filter to the guitar pickup.  In the work case it involves putting filters inside the amplifier - by a trained tech or engineer.

Also, sometimes a surge protector will be a gateway for rfi getting in the system through the power line.  If you are using one, try it without the surge.

Let me know more if you continue having trouble.